The Clan of the moon wolf

A battle between two ancient clans, the Tua De Denah and the Tua De Eenok caused a curse to be placed on the descendants. Young Austyn will be compelled by indelible influence to travel into the past to the Creag a Mhaidlaidh, the land of the Eenok clan, when she reaches 16 years of age. The Tuatha Da Danaan (Tua De Denah) travel to the future to train their descendants for the impending battle to rescue one of their own from a tragic fate. The clan's supernatural Watcher Monks, Light Orbs (Fairies) and a pack of wolves are guardians through time to assist the clan in their monumental quest.

Rowyn is knocked off balance by an Eenok clansman and falls over the cliff. She is led to a secret portal by her guardian wolf Freysia and her ancestor, Aelfwynn.